Discover Your Victory Ministry
God created you and saved you for a purpose. He has gifted you and placed you in His world so that you can testity to His goodness and faithfulness through your words and actions. How you serve and show His love to others can have an eternal impact on the lives of others.
Serve 301 is designed to help you learn how you can use your unique gifts, abilities, and life to bring glory to Him through serving others and sharing His love with the world.
Serve 301 is designed to help you learn how you can use your unique gifts, abilities, and life to bring glory to Him through serving others and sharing His love with the world.
- Learn how God has uniquely gifted you and strategically placed you to impact others for His glory.
- Learn how to get involved and how to sign up to serve both in and outside of Victory Church through our various ministries and outreach projects.
- Learn how to share the Gospel with others and to be a more effective witness for Christ.
Fruits of The Spirit
Life in the Spirit
Life in the Spirit
Spiritual Gifts
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts of the Spirit
Sharing The Gospel
Testimony and Evangelism
Testimony and Evangelism
Spiritual Warfare
Armor, Prayer, Power
Armor, Prayer, Power